
Sangrah an artificial intelligence, blockchain based warehouse & supply chain automation system. Integration with existing SAP: depending on the scalability, we typically integrate the artificial intelligence model with their APIs and build a separate dashboard for the inventory team to quickly obtain insights.

Anticipatory predictive algorithms based on available data to predict demand even before consumers place orders
Use of AI to predict maintenance needs and potential risks
Chatbot for interactive user assistance
Predictive scheduling and analysis to ease out and quicken the work flow in the entire pipeline
Intelligent Warehouses - which connects item data to customers, predicts demands and stocking options as well as risk in maintenance
Supplier management and ratings - Depending on historical data on quality of products, timely delivery, number of defects, losses in transport etc. system can recommend right kind of suppliers to contact for desired items
Disruption Management and Scheduling for contingency plans in case of delays via inter-warehouse linking
Staff/Individual/Resource dependency and tracking