
The UF-5000, based on Sysmex’s globally renowned fluorescence flow cytometry (FFC), represents the latest in urinalysis technology. It can be used as a standalone analyzer, or as part of the modular UN-Series for a truly walkaway, seamless urinalysis workplace solution from sample loading to the final digital image.

Easy-to-use U-WAM software offers an extensive database for storage of data and images up to 100,000 entries
Sample analysis in less than one minute
UF-4000: 80 samples per hour
UF-5000: 105 samples per hour
Helps decrease bacterial antibiotic resistance and culture workload with quantitative and highly sensitive bacteria count
RBC morphology information – a useful parameter for diagnosis of renal disease
Effortlessly switch from urine to body fluid mode. This on board mode analyzes up to 20 samples per hour
Standalone or integrated with chemistry UC-3500 analyzer and UD-10 urine particle digital imaging device as a true walkaway analyzer