
“Atlanta” hydrotherapy bath is designed for underwater jet shower massage, as well as allows to carry out a range of other hydrotherapeutic procedures due to possible additional options (air massage, chromotherapy). The bath has a special lift and the bath can be equipped with a mechanical or electronic spine traction system

The procedure of underwater shower-massage is justified in the following pathological conditions:

Osteochondrosis, arthralgia, arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, sciatica, motor disorders, post-traumatic period and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Sleep disorders, asthenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress and nervous loads
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, of respiratory, peripheral and central nervous systems
Vasomotor dyscrasia, neurocirculatory dystonia, 1st degree arterial hypertension
Bekhterev's disease
Infantile cerebral paralysis
Disrupted metabolism, cellulite and obesity, gout
Muscle paresis after polio
Venous, lymphatic insufficiency; Diseases of the digestive tract
Physical overexertion, sports overload
Depletion of the immune system
Diseases and disorders of the lymph and circulatory system
Sexual disorders, diseases of the sexual sphere
Rehabilitation after plastic surgery, detoxification
Increase of turgor and elasticity of the skin, correction of the figure.
The procedure of underwater shower-massage (USM) combines the therapeutic and beneficial effects of the aquatic environment and the mechanical massage effect of the jet of a given intensity, directed under water to the patient by means of a hose with special nozzles. High efficiency of exposure is achieved due to relaxation of the patient in the water of comfortable temperature, removal of spasms and muscle tension.

The intensity of the water jet during the shower massage is adjusted depending on the patient's feelings. The type and shape of the jet can be changed with the help of special nozzles, thus selecting the optimal program of exposure for a particular person. There are four types of nozzles: 4 round nozzles - different diameter of the output hole (supplied in the kit), slit and rain nozzles - are made optional to order.

- Nozzles with round holes of different diameters (jet nozzles) serve for local, softer (larger diameter holes) or more coarse (smaller diameter holes) massage.
-Multi-hole nozzle (rain nozzle) is available to order and recommended for primary massage of the patient's body before the main cycle of procedures with higher pressure of the hydromassage jet, as well as for massage of the stomach, hands, joints.
-Slit hole nozzle (slit nozzle) is available to order and serves to massage the back in the spine, legs and hands. The jet is directed up-down rather than in circular movements.
These nozzles are multifunctional: used for general massage, for treatment of specific areas of the body, for weight and body correction, for prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The procedure time is 7-15 minutes.

To expand the functionality of the equipment, the following additional options can be integrated into “Atlanta” hydrotherapy bath:

-air massage system*, which includes 16 stainless steel air nozzles located on the bottom of the bath, each of which has 7 bubbles holes. This option allows you to carry out the procedure of air bubble massage.

-chromotherapy system*, which includes 2 LED lamps, has 2 modes of operation of the LED: the mode of smooth transition of light from one to another and the monochrome radiation mode.

-WaterLight illumination system*, which performs the function of chromotherapy, includes 32 LEDs built-in around the perimeter of the bath, and has 2 modes operation: the mode of smooth transition of light from one to another and the monochrome radiation mode.

As an additional option, it is possible to equip “Atlanta” bath with a rapid water draining system*. This option is used to reduce the time spent during the preparatory stair-step of the procedure.


- The bath bed is made of fiberglass resistant to aggressive environments and is fixed on a metal frame with adjustable feet that provide the best stability of the bath. The side surfaces of the bed are lined with four decorative panels, which are easily dismantled during installation.

-​ A high stair-step with anti-slip coating facilitates the entry/exit of the bath and ensures comfort and safety during the bath operation.
- The bath is equipped with stainless steel handrails, which are attached to the sides. They provide more comfortable accommodation for the patient during hydrotherapy procedures.
-​ The bath has a special head rest, fixed by fasteners on the handrails, which moves and allows you to adjust the position according to the patient's height, which ensures more comfortable procedures.
- To reduce the time interval between the procedures, the bath can be equipped with an optional quick drain system.
-​ The color of the coating can be selected from a palette of 256 shades, which is an additional advantage in the selection of interior style.

Comfortable side handrails and a mobile head restraint ensure comfortable placement of the patient, both on the back and on the abdomen during the procedure. The large useful volume of “Atlanta” hydrotherapy bath allows to carry out the procedure of underwater shower-massage to patients of any bodily constitution.

The body of “Atlanta” hydrotherapy bath (bed and side panels), as well as the stair-step can be made in any color version by palette RAL*, which allows you to please any requirements of the author's design. The standard colors of the basic equipment are blue (RAL 5012) or white (RAL 9003).

* - additional options not included in the basic package

Overall dimensions of the bath (LxWxH), mm 2600х1010х1050
Internal (largest) bath dimensions (LxWxH), mm

Hot water and cold water connection pipe not less than 3/4"
Bath filling time, min
* At a pressure of water in the supply pipe 4.5 bar. 9±1
Bath drain time, min 6±1
Diameter of drain hole, mm 50
Total volume of the Bath, l 1200±5%
Useful volume of the Bath, l 800±5%
Maximum power consumption, W 2600
Noise level, dBA 55
Rated power consumption, W:
Hydraulic pump for USM up to 1500
Air compressor* up to 400
Chromotherapy lamps* up to 150
Deviation of the readings of the built-in thermometer from the actual water temperature, °С ±2
Pressure in the USM hose, bar From 0.4 to 4.8
Rated voltage, V 220-240
Option “Quick drain” 2,5min (to fan tube 100mm) - pump power, W 500
Weight of the standard package of the bath, not more than, kg
Attention: Bath weight may vary depending on the configuration 200