
Medical Device "DETA-AP" is designed for exogenous bioresonance therapy of various diseases by acting on the body electromagnetic low-energy radiation.
The device operates in the frequency range, allowing the therapy of infectious and infectious - related diseases by specifically designed for the device program. Methods of use of treatment programs is simple, accessible and does not require special training. The high therapeutic effect is achieved by high penetrating power of the electromagnetic field in the body. High precision frequency setting gives you the possibility of acting on a certain kind of infectious pathogens, causing their death.
The therapeutic effects when using the unit "DETA-AP" based on modern scientific views, set out in the guidelines.
Portable device "DETA-AP", programmable by computer, allows you to conduct therapy for any of the 30 programs. Each program is designed to treat a specific disease or group of diseases.
Product designation when ordering: Medical Device "DETA-AP"