

The study of bioelectric activity of the brain in health and disease. On character formed EEG pattern seems to judge about the functional state of the brain.

In modern clinical practice has formed several areas of application electroencephalography:

- Identification of epileptogenesis functioning brain to diagnose diseases involving seizures.

- Identify nonepileptic disorders of the brain. It is broad in scope, covering mental and neurological diseases in children and adults, diagnostics of sleep disorders, control the depth of anesthesia, the depth of a coma, at the decision of prognostic problems with the threat of transition in vegetative state, ascertaining of the fact of death. Used electroencephalography in paediatrics, including in neonatology, for objectifying evaluation of the mental development of infants and forecasting in case of threat of formation of a children's cerebral paralysis.

5 main advantages of electroencephalographs NMG:

1. Beautiful, clean signal, which is achieved through the application of the latest developments in the field of microelectronics.

2. High noise immunity. We have also improved electromagnetic interference protection. The application of unique technical solutions allows to reach values of noise reduction to dB is 5 000 000 times!

3. Easy visual differentiation of pathology and artifact. Using high-speed data interfaces USB HIGH SPEED enabled to significantly increase the sample rate of the bio-measurement that qualitative impact on the graphic representation of the recorded data and allows the user to easily differentsirovki pathology and artifacts.

4. Convenient tools coherent analysis. NMG among the first began to implement opportunities for this method, and currently occupies the first place on ergonomics, completeness, convenience and visualization software coherent analysis.

5. Highly efficient software, which significantly reduces the number of "extra" clicks and lets you quickly and easily perform the desired actions.

Areas of application:

EEG can have both stationary and portable version and used:

- at functional diagnosing in neurological and psychiatric units,
- intensive care,
- in neurosurgery;
- diagnostic and rehabilitation centers of different medical institutions,
- the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries,
- in "field" conditions (ambulance, medsluzhba MOE),
- "family" doctors,
- for scientific research in the field of psychophysiology and emergency medicine;
- for training purposes in medical institutes, training centers.