
This is medical equipment

Doctor TES-03 is a compact professional device for home use, developed by scientists and engineers of our company. Doctor TES-03 has convincing evidence of effectiveness and experience in using more than 10 years in medicine in Russia and many other countries.

The TES-therapy method, as well as our medical devices, have been awarded numerous Russian and international awards, including the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology 2004. The scientific literature has published more than 400 articles devoted to the study of the effects of the method. Medical centers and clinics operate more than 3,000 professional devices for TES-therapy (they are called TRANSAIR), and more than 100,000 people use the Doctor TES device at home.

The effect of regular use of the device in your home is comparable to the effect of treatment courses in a sanatorium, but significant savings in time and money have been achieved.

Easy to use
Insert the battery into the device, fix the electrodes on the forehead and behind the ears - and you are ready for the session.

The device is equipped with a set of electrodes on a gel basis, which is easy to use. Just stick them on the forehead and behind the ears, connect the contacts and start the session.

A set of electrodes can be purchased separately from the device.

Doctor TES - the perfect gift

Most of all, Doctor TES needs those who experience constant mild pains - headaches, joint pains, and also with depression, insomnia, drug dependence. But the device will be useful not only for people with pain - it is recommended for those who work under stressful conditions or lead an active lifestyle, play a lot of sports.
The use of the device eliminates the need for frequent medication, which means that such a gift can be not only pleasant, but also really useful.

Doctor TESMain applications Doctor TES-03:

Effective response to pain, stress, fatigue and sleep disturbances
Normalization of women's health
Boost your immunity to colds
Treatment of hypertension and hypotension
Normalization of the stomach, intestines and liver
Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Rehabilitation after sports injuries and stress

Contraindications TES-therapy:
Convulsive conditions, epilepsy
Brain injuries and tumors, infectious lesions of the central nervous system
Stage III hypertension, hypertensive crisis
Acute mental disorder
The presence of skin lesions in the areas of the electrodes