
The apparatus is intended for realization of bioresonance therapy (BRT) according to IMEDIS technique, which is a original method having no analogs in the world. The therapy is conducted with electromagnetic oscillations in range from 10 to 500'000 Hz, peculiar to patient, which are taken from surface of his skin, specially processed and returned back to organism.

During therapy patient and apparatus form closed circuit of adaptive regulation, allowing organism to use its own abilities in order to return to physiological homeostasis. There is possibility to store detected frequency spectrum of pathological and physiological oscillations onto different carriers (water, homeopathic grains, etc.) and use them in consequent therapy.

The apparatus is intended for energy-information transfer of medicinal properties of preparations. The efficiency of copies is identical to efficiency of initial preparations, what is proved by application in clinical practice.

Technical data

Dimensions (not more) 190 x 140 x 50 mm
Weight (not more) 1,5 kg
Material of containers aluminium
The apparatus "IMEDIS-BRT-A" is supplied with full set of electrodes and connecting wires.

The apparatus is powered from 8-9 V rechargeable battery. It also operates from power supply unit, used to charge battery.