
Unipaste is a medical product elaborated for use as
a contact medium between an electrode and the
patient's skin during
EEG, EMG, polysomnography,
evoked potential
(VEP), biofeedback,
and TMS examinations.
Unipaste takes a long time to dry up, maintaining its high conductivity and
adhesiveness during the procedures and allowing to fix the electrodes on the
patient's skin without any fastening devices. Unipaste is water-soluble, doesn't
stain clothes, doesn't damage the electrodes, and can be easily removed with
a spatula or a napkin soaked in water (or water mixed with alcohol).
Medical trials have proven the paste to be a useful tool for examinations,
ensuring firm contact between recording trasducers and the patient's head and
providing high conductivity.
• Specific conductivity: 0.4 - 1.0 S/m
• Impedance: 1–2 kOhm
• Shelf life: 2 years
• Packaging: bundle - 6 jars (120 g each)
«Medical research and testing show that Unipaste – highly conductive adhesive electrode
paste for EEG and EMG – is very effective for electrodiagnostic testing. While being highly
conductive, it provides proper electrode application onto patient's head. When comparing
«Unipaste» to the paste «Ten-20» manufactured in USA - the world leader in conductive
paste production, it should be noted that «Unipaste», manufactured by «Geltek-Medica»
LTD, is equal to the American brand in its conductive and adhesive characteristics...» .
L.I. Sumskiy, MD, professor, head of the Clinical Physiology Laboratory,
Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine
(from the Report on medical equipment and devices testing and assessment of Sklifosovsky Research Institute of
Emergency Medicine, February 25, 2013)