
About the device
“BIOLA APS-500” sperm analyzer is supplied not only in domestic clinics and laboratories, but also abroad. Our devices were appreciated by leading world experts. The advantages of the analyzer BIOLA AFS-500 over competitors have been confirmed by independent studies, including specialists from the University of Padua (Italy). Our devices work in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal, China, Angola and a number of other countries.We offer sperm analyzers not only for the study of human ejaculate. Sperm analyzers “Biola AFS-500” are successfully used in animal husbandry. Our clients are, in particular, the State Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry” and the Moscow Zoo. Sperm analyzers “Biola AFS-500” are developed taking into account specifics, including, and domestic laboratories. Devices are extremely reliable, easy to use and do not require any consumables. Everything you need is already included.

The software requires no special skills from the user, and can be installed on any personal computer based on the Windows operating system. The results of the analysis are displayed on the screen and automatically recorded in the prepared study form. All files can be easily transferred to removable media, provided to a patient, or attached to a study form.

Parameters determined
Total sperm concentration(TSC)
Motile sperm concentration (MSC)
Functional sperm concentration (FSC)
Sperm motility index (SMI)
Fast mobility (a)
Progressive mobility (a + b)
True mobility (faster 4 µm / s)
Non-progressive mobility + very slow (less 4 m / s)
Calculation of spermatozoa with normal morphology
Average velocity of spermatozoa
Total spermatozoa count
Total motile spermatozoa count (TMS)
Total functional spermatozoa count


1. Specification_RUS_ENG.docx