
The NS400 model line offer exceptional quality and reliability. The price is several times lower compared to competitors. For even lower prices, you need to consider NS400A line. Even though it has fewer features than its bigger brothers it retains everything necessary for routine clinical tests, at a price that’s hard to believe.

To record an encephalogram just run the program and turn on the EEG recording, no special knowledge is required. At the end of the recording, save the file. The initial program presets are such that they are suitable for most routine examinations.

The program “Neuroscope” is free and you can download it from our website. You can record EEG on one computer, and view the records on any other where the Neuroscope program is installed. You will only need files of records of encephalograms, which can be transferred on a flash drive or sent by e-mail.

Video EEG
Neuroscope can record not only EEG but also video, for example, for the diagnosis of epilepsy. Scrolling through the synchronous video EEG examination, you see an encephalogram and a frame corresponding to a specific instant of recording. The position and approximation of the camera is adjusted directly from the program.

More about Video EEG

We give 5 years warranty for our products. The devices do not require calibration, they are automatically calibrated at the beginning of work. A multi-level data protection system keeps your records – computer failure or a sudden power outage does not lead to loss of recorded data. The next time you start the program, the last entry will be opened, up to the second when the failure occurred.

Display accuracy and speed
EEG recording can take several minutes or hours. In any case, you can instantly scroll through it to the desired episode using the scroll bar or set recording events. The filtering parameters, sensitivity and montages can be switched both during recording and while viewing the EEG. Due to smoothing algorithms, EEG curves look as if they were drawn with a thin pen on paper. Digital signal filtering allows you to record all waves within the EEG frequency range and to prevent unwanted noise from other frequency domains.

Digital signal filtering allows you to record all waves within the EEG frequency range and to prevent unwanted noise from other frequency domains.


1. Specification_RUS_ENG.docx