
Endoprothisis PTP (“light”) is made of biologically inert polypropylene thin monostrings (size 0.9.) Open wicker of the endoprothesis reduces the risk of bacterial infections and contributes to growing of collagenous fibers strengthening the zone of the defect. It is used in the cases then “heavy” and “light” couldn’t be used because of their extradurability. The main difference is lower material capacity that reduces the possibility to cause side-effects and discomfort. Endoprostheses are applied in abdominal surgery (operations on front abdominal wall after herniotomy and tumors removal), thoracic surgery (by injuries of the chest wall and also a diaphragm) and also in operations on soft tissues. As the result of their usage the effectiveness of the treatment increases, the frequency of relapse lows and the rehabilitation period shortens. The endoprostheses are produced in sterile packaging.