Kits for noninvasive prenatal testing
Kits for noninvasive prenatal testing (gender, Rhesus)
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Noninvasive fetal gender and Rhesus factor testing is a method of genetic laboratory testing that enables the results using maternal blood in the early stages of pregnancy (since 10th week) with accuracy of 99%. The results are based on fetal DNA detection in a pregnant woman’s blood.
The kits are based on real-time PCR technique. The novel approach improves the sensitivity and allows detecting even single DNA copies in maternal blood. To achieve it, ultra-short probes, unique primers and high processive hot-start polymerases are used.
Diagnostic kits for fetal DNA detection produced by TestGene have Registration Certificate # RZN 2015/2703 issued by the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare.
«Тest-SRY» - kit for noninvasive fetal gender detection since 10th week of pregnancy has a particular importance for families at the sex-linked disease risk.
«Тest-RHD» - kit for noninvasive fetal RHD gene detection since 10th week of pregnancy.
timely and reasonable measures to prevent RhD conflict
35% savings of the government budget
savings for a pregnant woman
Awareness of fetal RhD status allows obsterician-gynecologist to provide a Rhesus-negative pregnant woman with necessary treatment.
The kits are based on real-time PCR technique. The novel approach improves the sensitivity and allows detecting even single DNA copies in maternal blood. To achieve it, ultra-short probes, unique primers and high processive hot-start polymerases are used.
Diagnostic kits for fetal DNA detection produced by TestGene have Registration Certificate # RZN 2015/2703 issued by the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare.
«Тest-SRY» - kit for noninvasive fetal gender detection since 10th week of pregnancy has a particular importance for families at the sex-linked disease risk.
«Тest-RHD» - kit for noninvasive fetal RHD gene detection since 10th week of pregnancy.
timely and reasonable measures to prevent RhD conflict
35% savings of the government budget
savings for a pregnant woman
Awareness of fetal RhD status allows obsterician-gynecologist to provide a Rhesus-negative pregnant woman with necessary treatment.