
This device is intended to normalize metabolism in human body, reduce blood viscosity, increase cell energy and reduce fatigue in people who work many hours at their PCs in an enclosed space.

Blue light prevents viral reproduction and toxins excretion and as a result it reduces intoxication of the body. Combined influence of blue light on the body in form of an anti-bacterial, virucidal (viral inactivation) and anaesthetizing effect, stimulating blood microcirculation and cell energy synthesis is the basis of this devise built in a computer mouse, having therapeutic properties to prevent cardiovascular diseases, acute respiratory and other infectious diseases, modulation of psycho-emotional processes in the organism in computer users, to prevent and release fatigue syndrome as well as for receiving solar energy by computer user necessary for normal functionality of human body with the absence of Sun as such.

Light has great effect on human body directly and by reflex being energy stimulant in all cells, tissues and organs which it influences on.

Light has stimulating effect both on cells and their assembly, which is accompanied by enhanced metabolism. The simplest organisms, when exposed to light, become more active, which is evident of enhanced metabolism creating an additional energy of motion.

Blue light spectrum (96%) is of special effect; 4% is the remaining light spectra. Light kills microorganisms directly having effect on their protoplasm and also indirectly activating the thymus for the reproduction of T-lymphocytes by means of blue light effect. After exposure for 10 minutes by means of «AVERS-Light» phototherapeutic devise in the area of cubital vein the following data were found in 17 patients: increase of T-lymphocytes up to 204%, T-active lymphocytes up to 170%, B-lymphocytes up to 159%, immunoglobulin M, G, A by 112, 120 and 126%, respectively. Activity of lipid peroxide oxidation (LPO) reduced and that of anti-oxidation system increased due to the increase of super-oxide-dismutase and its activity.

Effect of light on blood resolves one important problem, which is a key one in cardiovascular pathology. It is found that in most cases of sudden apoplexies and infarctions of unclear etiology, increased blood viscosity is the cause of disease. It was found in trials that when the human blood is exposed to low-intensive blue light emitter, with non-invasive effect, the blood viscosity reduces by 6 – 8% in 10 minutes, and blood viscosity becomes normal after regular procedures.

In non-invasive effect of blue light spectrum on blood, with short exposure, increase of oxygen content in blood may be up to 35% on the average. It was also determined the volume of СО₂ breathing out: it increased up to 40-46%. Such an increase in oxygen utilization by tissues, is most likely connected with the growth in synthesis of cell energy and metabolism activity, which in turn increases the physical force and endurance of a human being.

This property of blue light, i.e. activation of hemoglobin carrying up to 4 oxygen molecules after absorbing blue light quantum, is the basis of studies on 1 and 2 forms of diabetes mellitus in people of various ages. The studies showed that content of glucose in blood in patients becomes normal without insulin treatment or other drugs on the 7th to 14th days due to the glucose oxidation with extra content of oxygen in blood.

Using this devise, you are performing the procedures preventing cardiovascular diseases, catarrhal infections and enhance your body’s working ability as a whole.