
Latus are modern medical lasers with broad range of applications.
Latus are the lasers for hyperthermia (including interstitial), photodynamic therapy, coagulation and tissue excision.
Latus mean the possibility to choose the required power range (from 0.1 to 30 W) and wavelength (661 or 810 nm), according to necessary treatment or prophylaxis.
Latus are universal compact devices, ideal for use in both hospital or out-patient trearment.
Latus provide the best "price to quality" ratio among medical lasers on the Russian market.

Distingushing features of use:
No pronounced destructive skin and tissue lesions.
Aceptic and ablastous nature of operations. Tumour ablation with surgical laser reduces risk of relapses or complications, shortens wound cicatrization period, allows one-stage procedures and provides perfect cosmetic effect.
Practically no bleeding during operations, and if it still occurs, it might be stopped easily by coagulation with use of the same laser.
Capability of influencing on deeply located tissues.
High accuracy and selectivity of treatment.
Main advantages:
Ease of maintenance and operation. Latus lasers are ready to work immediately after turning on.
No need of water or external air cooling.
Semicondutor laser diodes of ATC series are used as the radiation source, assuring high reliability and long life of the laser device.
Warranty (12 months) and after-warranty services.
Training of experts.
Methodological, licence and information support.

Supply contents:
Control unit
Foot pedal for remote switching the laser emission on and off
Optical instument delivering laser radiation to the working area
Protective glasses
The optical fiber chopping tool
Optical fiber tools for operations in general and endoscopic surgery, oncology, gynaecology, urology and otolaryngology.
Specialist training is held on base of leading St.Petersburg medical research centres and clinics. Course of training is confirmed by the Certificate.


1. Specification_RUS_ENG.docx