
The modification of the Trust-M Biomechanics complex is designed for carrying out the full cycle of the locomotor system diagnostics. The complex allows recording and analysing movement kinematics, joint rotation, muscular frame functioning, tremors, asymmetries, bioelectrical muscle activity, studying posturological function. An objective assessment of movements is made using the parameters of goniograms, podometry, total EMG, stabilometry, amplitudes, velocities and phases of locomotion.


Restorative medicine – functional diagnostics of locomotor disorders, assessment of locomotions with quantitative and qualitative indicators of the impaired function. Assistance in treatment method selection. Control of restorative process dynamics.

Traumatology and orthopedics – detection of joint and vertebral column anomalies, contracture diagnostics, prognosis and assessment of treatment efficacy. Prosthesis parameter selection during prosthetic repair, efficiency analysis and prosthesis impact on the locomotor system.

Neurology – functional assessment of the locomotor system after stroke, in paralyses, pareses, myodystrophy, damage of large nerve trunks of different origin during CP, Parkinson’s disease, spinal nerve roots damaging, proprioception and vestibular system disorders and other conditions accompanied by clinical or subclinical motional symptoms. Evaluation of treatment efficacy.

Sports medicine – diagnostics of muscular-ligamentous apparatus sport injuries, sport injury prevention, creation of more effective sports facilities for the development of control procedures for sports movement execution techniques and their correction. For technique and tactical training of athletes in different sports.

Manual therapy – Functional diagnostics of the locomotor system, evaluation of results before and after treatment.

Posturology – integrated assessment of postural function including 3D stabilometry.

Biophysics – study of human biomechanics, research and development works, dissertations, objectivization of results.


Small size sensors “Trust-M” for recording of biomechanical parameters with the size of a match box weighing 40 grams suitible for adults and children.

Synchronous recording of linear and rotational movements, goniograms, tremors, functional EMG, podometry, 3D stabilometry is performed.

The software allows performing movement reconstruction on the 3D model “Skeleton” and ‘Muscle Frame” with the visualization of locomotions and muscle activity phases.

Phase analysis of cyclic movements, comparison of obtained data, analysis of averaged results, matching with a norm are performed.

Precision sensors “Trust-M” provide high accuracy of the set parameters recording.

Patient procedure preparation time is 5-15 minutes while in optical systems with markers the patient preparation takes 44-60 minutes.

The mobility of the complex makes it possible to conduct on-site examinations, no special room is needed.

Built-in batteries provide autonomous continuous operation of “Trust-M” sensors up to 5 hours from a single charging.

Data transfer takes place via telemetering channels (WI-FI or Bluetooth).

Synchronous operation of 16 biomechanical sensors with 32 EMG channels allows recording the locomotions of main body segments with simultaneous contraction of specified muscle groups.

Main technical characteristics

Overall dimensions of “Trust-M” biomechanical sensor Maximum 38х49х20 mm

Sensor weight Maximum 40 g

Number of “Trust-M” biomechanical sensors 1-16 pcs

Accuracy of synchronization of sensors and recording channels Minimum 0.01 сек

Number of functional EMG recording channels (for one biomechanical sensor) Up to 2 channels

Linear movement recording channels in 3 mutually perpendicular axes

Rotation movement recording channels in 3 mutually perpendicular axes

Tremor recording Available

Angular movement recording accuracy Minimum 1 deg.

Rotational movement angular speed recording range Minimum 2000 deg. s

Locomotion recording channel sampling frequency Minimum 1000 Hz

EMG recording channel sampling frequency Minimum 2000 Hz

Telemetric control and data transfer channel Bluetooth or WIFI, communication range up to 80 meters

Printing modules(optional) Breath recursion, pressure distribution under foot, fine motor skills of upper limbs, EEG up to 32 channels, ECG, Sp02.

Training modules (optonal) Treadmill with unloading system, balancing platform, stationary bike, access of customer simulators.

The Biomechanics Complex is used in different branches of medicine. In restorative medicine facilitates the performing functional diagnostics of locomotor disorders, including the evaluation of locomotion with qualitative and qualitative indicators of an impaired function, treatment mode selection and control of restorative processes dynamics.

Clinical biomechanics is widely used in traumatology and orthopedics for detection of joint and vertebral column anomalies, contracture diagnostics, prognosis and assessment of treatment efficacy. It helps in prosthesis parameter selection during prosthetic repair both the analysis of efficiency and prosthesis impact on the locomotor system.

In neurology the Biomechanics Complex “Trust-M” is used in evaluation of the locomotor system after a previous stroke, in paralyses, pareses, myodystrophy, damage of large nerve trunks of different cases - CP, Parkinson’s disease, damage of spinal nerve roots, proprioception and vestibular system disorders and other conditions accompanied by clinical or subclinical motional symptoms. It also allows evaluating the treatment efficacy.

In posturology the biomechanics system helps to provide an integrated assessment of postural function including 3D stabilometry.

In manual therapy the complex is used for functional diagnostics of the locomotor system and the evaluation of results before and after treatment.

In sports medicine the movement biomechanics diagnostics supports the diagnostics of muscular-ligamentous sport injuries, the preventions of sport injuries, creation of more effective sports facilities for the development of control procedures for the execution of sports techniques and their correction. The complex is successfully used for technique and tactical training of sports people in different sports.

The biomechanics of movement action studies, the properties and functions of the locomotor system and human movement actions based on the concepts, principles and laws of classical biomechanics. Clinical biomechanics deals with the diagnostic examination and looks for ways to optimise treatment.

The complex structure

The small-size biomechanical sensors “Trust-M” with telemetric radio channel control are the basis of the complex. Each sensor is an autonomous portable instrument which includes 3 types of 3D movement sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer) and 2 myographic channels. The weight of one sensor is not more than 40 grams, overall dimensions 38х49х20 mm (comparable with a match box size).

Up to 16 biomechanical sensors “Trust-M” can be connected simultaneously with the sampling frequency at least 1024 Hz and synchronization 1ms. Thus, the complex can provide synchronous recording via 32 EMG channels and 144 movement channels (tremor, angles and angular speed).

As a part of the complex, PC with software allows performing data recording, patient database management, result analysis, visualization of parameters in the form of diagrams, tables and reconstruction and animation in the form of 3D model – “Skeleton with muscles”.

The “Trust-M” Complex allows additional connecting of:

-WEB camera for study record;

- polygraph sensors (ECG, breath recursion, EEG);

-EEG amplifier;

-training modules (stabilometric module, treadmill etc.);

-BFB visualization system.

Movement kinematics

The biomechanical sensors “Trust-M” provide accurate recording of different kind of movements, from flexion/extension in one joint to complicated locomotion forms, such as walking and running i.e. allow performing clinical movement analysis. The movements in three planes are recorded, in coxofemoral, knee and ankle joint – flexion/extension, abduction/adduction and rotation. During walking the main time step characteristics of each leg are recorded as well as pelvis spatial movements.

TThe cyclic movements of a patient during walking with subsequent semiautomatic step cycle phase arrangement which allows comparing the result with a norm and evaluating asymmetries. The recording of biomechanical parameters of upper limbs is performed similarly to the study of lower limbs. The hand movement kinematics and joint rotational movements are analyzed and the contracture level is assessed.

The “Trust-M” Biomechanics Complex can be used for the study of movement function in any part of the body including such difficult segments as spinal column. The recording of movements in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine is conducted. All movements are fixed in 3 mutually perpendicular planes. The simultaneous back muscles work recording is possible which is important for the detection of asymmetries and spinal column load distribution assessment.

The other method of the spinal column function study is the study of its shock absorbing properties. During walking the “Trust-M” sensors record the acceleration rate on the sacral level and the upper spine column level, including the area of head . The shock absorbing function of the spine column can be assessed by the difference in amplitude acceleration occurring in the upper and lower spine regions.

The results of all examination types are represented by goniogram charts, angle table values, reconstructions in the form of 3D body skeleton. The image of the human muscle frame makes possible to clearly show a patient’s postural disorder. All that data helps a doctor to perform the analysis of functional changes on the part of the locomotor system, allow assessing the treatment efficacy and the dynamics of the restorative processes. The complex easily allows an examination to be performed using unstandardized methods including the methods created by the user.

Electromyographic study

In the “Trust-M” complex realized a function of synchronous recording both biomechanics movement and the surface electromyography (SEMG) . EMG channels are built into the “Trust-M” sensor which significantly simplifies the study conducting for a doctor and a patient. EMG recording allows assessing the contractility of the studied muscles in different disorders of the locomotor system, gives the information on the contribution of one or other muscle into the implementation of a motor action whether it be walking, standing, some other kind of operation performed or exercise.

The EMG data synchronized with a step cycle make possible to determine in what step phase one or another muscle is active, for example if a leg is flexing or extending . All this data make it possible to assess muscle behavior and performance.

The EMG record can be conducted while patient is moving and performing different tests or trials, this gives a doctor important information on the muscle tone and asymmetry.

The obtained results are represented in the forms of the charts of native, “ packaging ” and averaged EMG. The data is synchronized with the movement cycles which significantly simplifies the analysis of the muscle activity phases.

For illustration purposes the function of 3D skeleton with muscle reconstruction is available. A review of the conducted study in a video format is possible with synchronous 3D “skeleton” model animation, goniogram and myogram charts.

Tremor assessment

Biomechanical sensors “Trust-M” allows the recording of tremor from limbs and separate body segments. Tremor is one of most frequently occurring dysfunction in neurological practice which may present in many diseases (essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease etc.) and also in healthy people. The sensors “Trust-M” allow tremor analysis with assessment of frequency, amplitude and spectral characteristics. Different forms of tremor are recorded including high frequency (up to 100 Hz) and low amplitude forms not perceptible by vision.

3D Stabilometry

“Trust-M” spatial stabilometry 3D is realized by means of the biomechanical sensors. Using special algorithms a stabilometric study is performed with building stabilograms and statokinesiograms for different body segments. The vibration assessment is made through micro motions of a body segment.

Vibration amplitude excursions, mean-square deviations, spectrum, accelerations as well as the power required for the vibrations (energy expenditure assessment). The information on vibrations of different body segments makes possible to positively identify the pathological process level. The capability of recording vibrations in the whole frequency range, including high frequencies, significantly increases the sensitivity of the method which allows detecting even small rise of muscle tone. The conducting of synchronous myographic study of the lower limb muscles or trunk muscles during stabilogram recording makes it possible to determine the internal strategy for maintaining balance in the main posture.

The “Trust-M” sensors can be used both separately for the assessment of movement kinematics and together with the stabilometric platform using classical methods of two-dimensional stabilometry

The advantages of the inertial Biomechanics «Trust-М» in comparison with optical analogs

Simplicity of examination process. Preparation of a patient does not require a large number of markers. An optical system requires three markers per one segment while in the Biomechanics “Trust-M” just one sensor for a segment is required which cuts the examination time three-fold.

Quick makeready. The “Trust-M” complex is can be quickly deployed, it does not require a complicated camera mounting, has no need in a large space and the sensors are stored in a compact case.

No need to use a special room. The Biomechanics “Trust-M” Complex is used in conventional rooms, it does not require room darkening. The effective range of a telemetric channel is up to 50 m which makes possible to use the complex in large rooms, stadiums and outside.

Simple calibration of sensors. The biomechanical sensors “Trust-M” are easy to calibrate, so that the process takes not more than 1-2 minutes and is therefore available for use by paramedical personnel. Optical systems require performing a complicated cycle of longtime calibration which can be disordered from vibration or an accidental action on the camera.

Accuracy of registered parameters. The biomechanical sensors of “Trust-M” present a strap down inertial navigation system (SINS). The main operation principle – a built-in gyroscopic system which performs direct measurements of b the movements angular speed and integrates it in the space orientation angles. In optical systems the rotation movement calculations are made by indirect methods by means of conversion of line coordinated into angles which frequently leads to additional errors of rotational movements. The sampling frequency of optical system varies within 200 Hz with the sampling frequency of the “Trust-M” complex is 1024 Hz which significantly increases the accuracy of the measured parameters.

There is no marker overlapping effect. Since in the inertial Biomechanics “Trust-M” reflective markers are not used, there is no overlapping effect of the markers (for example, during walking) while the markers are compulsory in optical systems.

Reasonable overall price . The total cost (the including price, the cost of installation and maintenance) of the inertial Biomechanics “Trust-M” is man-times cheaper than imported optical analogs.