
Features: 14″x17″ Portable Wired/Wireless Flat Panel detector, 17″ touch console, Integra X – Integrated image acquisition system. LAN connectivity with DICOM printer, operates on just 15 Amps / 230 Volt standard wall socket, full DICOM 3.0 connectivity.

RollXdr a mobile DR is based on HF X-Ray generation technology. This machine is most suitable for applications where ease of mobility is required like in trauma cases and bed side X-Rays in hospital words and ICU’s.

The machine is very compact, light weight and can be taken through elevators with ease.

The HF X-Ray generation technology used in RollXdr offers the following advantages over the conventional 2 pulse technology.

More Features
Substantially lower exposure factors, (Radiation safety to Patients & Operators)
Elimination of Motion Artifacts due to lower exposure time, (Excellent film quality)
Negligible skin dose, (Radiation Safety to Patient)
High power ensures Blur free images and shorter exposure time