
Design features
• 9/10-stage compressor (depending on the gas turbine modification)

• annular combustion chamber

• 2-stage compressor turbine

• 2/3-stage power turbine (depending on the gas turbine modification)

• up-to-date design

• high fuel efficiency

• high reliability and safety in operation

• can be used to drive the gas compressors within gas-pumping units and the electric generators within power generating stations

• high commonality (the single core, designed by UEC-Saturn for a new generation of gas-turbine engines, is used in the base of GTD-4/6.3/10RM and E70/8RD)

The GTD-4/6.3/10RМ gas turbines are the bases of the GPA-4/6.3/10RM gas-pumping units, designed for application within gas-transportation and gas-storing compressor stations, rated at total output power from 4 MW and above.


1. Specification__RUS_ENG.docx
2. Specification_IND.docx