
The Be-114 is unique amphibious platform providing development of cargo and passenger airline routes, tourist routes and special flights.

The Be-114 amphibious aircraft has the aft cargo ramp providing loading of variable cargoes including the vehicles and long goods.

Aircraft Performance
Wing span, m 25.74
Aircraft lenght, m 22.4
Aircraft height, m 6.68
Wheelbase, m 12
Track, m 4.53
- Length, m 17.0
- Height, m 2.55
- Maximum width , m 2.1
- Maximum takeoff weight, kg 22,000
Maximum payload, kg 6,000
Cruise altitude, m 7,600
Cruise speed at H=7,600 m, km/h 500 - 530
Flight range at 7,600 m with payload of 6,000 kg, and 0.5 h fuel reserve, km 1,000
Flight range at 7,600 m with payload of 2,000 kg, and 0.5 h fuel reserve, km 4,900
Required runway length (ISA, s.l.), m 1,300
Required strength of the unpaved airfield or rolled snow, kg/cm2 Not less than 6
Seaworthiness, Hwave, (sea state) 1 (3)
Engine type TV7-117 2 ser.
Engine power, h.p. 2х2,800
Crew, persons 2
Passenger seats 44