
The system can be implemented on the base of conventional telephone or IP networks. I.T. builds convergent telephone systems using the existing cable lines at large geographically distributed enterprises. IP telephones are connected in offices, and conventional ones are connected at production facilities that makes it possible for the client's investment saving and, at the same time, makes it possible for the client to make use of the state-of-the-art technology advantages.
In deployment of the state-of-the-art IP-telephone systems, I.T. Co. uses Cisco IP-architecture or an Avaya communication platform.
IP DECT microcellular communication systems as one of the most cost-efficient options for the organization of mobile communication systems are the optimal solution for the organization of mobile communication throughout the enterprise.

Panasonic, Arman, Newmann equipment based operative-engineering and dispatch communication systems are used at industrial facilities and represent the following communication means: loudspeaker communication, party-line communication, operative and dispatch communication, crane communication, wired radio and wire broadcasting, mobile communications. I.T. creates a common operative-engineering and dispatch communication system based on a digital cross-over switch enabling future integration into a single information network of a distributed industrial facility.