
Learning as well as maintaining and enhancing of essential hysteroscopy skills, knowledge, and techniques.
Work with real (adapted) hysteroresectoscope
Magnetic haptic feedback for simulating the resistance of internal organs
Detailed automatic registration of all actions performed during exercise performance
Course of basic skills training
Standardize, structure and complement hands-on skills training
ENSIM.HYS is the virtual reality simulator for teaching and training practical skills hysteroscopy. Simulator can be used to acquire as well as maintain existing skills, making it a system suitable for trainees and students, as well as for doctors in residency training.

The simulator’s software provides the highest level of realism and detail of patient anatomy detailed imitators of instruments - based as well as magnetic feedback provides realistic tactile perception when performing interventions

It is suitable for training and performance of different procedures, including diagnostics with samples obtaining, bleeding arresting, tumor removal, etc.