
The binoculars with image stabilization BSM 20x50 is designed for observation, orientation, search and rescue, hunting, the study of wildlife and other activities.

The unique patented stabilization mechanism ensures the comfort of observation, an increase in the range of object recognition by more than 3 times, the possibility of observation from a moving base (car, yacht, etc.).

The device does not require electrical power, does not create acoustic noise, has a virtually unlimited service life.

The inclusion of the stabilization mode is carried out by pressing the button until it stops.

Binoculars are sealed and moisture resistant.

The device is waterproof and efficient at an ambient temperature of -20 ° C to + 40 ° C.

Possible observation with glasses.

Upon the customer’s order, the binoculars can be equipped with:

- for ensuring work in the conditions of the increased humidity - an osushka with silica gel;

- to ensure the measurement of angles in the horizontal and vertical planes, the determination of the distance to objects (targets), if their dimensions (height, width) are known - by the angular grid.

Produced at JSC «Zagorsk optical and mechanical plant» (JSC «ZOMZ»)


1. БСМ_20х50.pdf