
A versatile table/bucky design enables all types of general X-ray examinations - radiography, fluoroscopy and linear tomography — with a single device, and remote exposure control eliminates the technician’s exposure risk during examinations.

The system comes with a set of X-ray protective gear and an X-ray dosimeter.
TeleKoRD-MT is available in the following configurations:
With a dynamic full-field digital flat panel detector in 43х43 cm format.
The detector’s flat surface minimizes any image distortion caused by magnification and can capture areas up to 50% larger as compared to a 16-inch X-ray image intensifier. High detector sensitivity and use of materials with a low X-ray absorption coefficient help to substantially reduce patient radiation exposure. The key advantage of this configuration is that it allows for conducting both high-resolution radiographic and high-speed (up to 30 fps) fluoroscopy examinations with the same detector.
With either a 9 or 12-inch X-ray image intensifier that allows you to record and store fluoroscopy studies of unlimited length.
Digital fluoroscopy examinations are performed using a fixed or portable flat panel high-resolution detector. This configuration allows performance of both radiographic and fluoroscopy exams at the same imaging station.
Review workstation (a PC with DIARM DR software installed or DIARM DR software as a separate option)
Mobile acquisition/review workstation
Medical grade printer for digital medical images