
Radius RB 25 km
The flight duration of 80 minutes
Wingspan UAV 810 mm
Length UAV (without CN) 425 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Starting Over Corps UAV
Rise Elastic Catapult
Landing Parachute / network
Engine Type Electric pulling
The speed of 65-120 km / h
The maximum take-off weight 2.5kg
Mass target load of 300 g
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads Type 08
Glider whole wing
Battery 10,000 mAh 4Sv
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
Manageable ZALA 421-08F aircraft flight duration at 80 minutes, the aerial photography provides terrain radius of 25 km.
Ideal for monitoring areas with the emergency occurs.

Target load designed for photography, allows to obtain high-quality data that serve as the basis for professionals to create various orthophotos and terrain maps.If necessary to fotoobsledovanie extended object (linear mode), the plane is removed to a distance of 90 km from the ground control station and automatically obtains pictures.