
Radius Video / Radio Channel 30 km - Management
Mission duration 1.5 hours
Wingspan UAV 1615 mm
Length UAV (without CN) 635 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
The height of the effective application of 100-1000 m
Starting Over Corps UAV
Rise Elastic Catapult
landing Parachute
Engine Type Electric pulling
The speed of 65-100 km / h
Maximum take-off weight of 5.5 kg
Mass target load of 1 kg
Navigation ANN corrected SNA (GPS / GLONASS)
Target load Target load with a camera
Airframe whole wing
Allowable wind load of 15 m / s
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
UAV constructed according to the "flying wing" with a pulling propeller rotated by a motor operating on batteries. The launch is carried out "with hands" with the help of elastic or pneumatic catapult. The plane does not require a specially prepared landing site. Planting is carried out on a parachute with automatic inflatable pillow amortization.