
Radius Video / Radio Channel 15 km / 25 km
Mission duration 1.5 hours
Wingspan UAV 1615 mm
Length UAV (without CN) 635 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Starting Over Corps UAV
Rise Elastic Catapult
landing Parachute
Engine Type Electric pulling
The speed of 65-100 km / h
Maximum take-off weight of 5.5 kg
Mass target load of 1 kg
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads Type «04M»
Additional CN Integrated camera 12MP
Battery 10,000 mAh 5S
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C

Unmanned aircraft ZALA 421-04M with flight duration 1.5 hours real-time transmits high-quality photo, video and thermal imaging information within a radius of 25 km. The device allows to solve the most complex problems in a variety of weather and climatic conditions. Unique target load "04M" type have a small size and low specific gravity. En independent inertial positioning system platform and gyro stabilized suspension can significantly neutralize the mechanical noise and vibration.


The unmanned aircraft is designed to monitor a wide range of weather conditions of the underlying surface (including difficult terrain and the water surface), search and detection of people and objects. It provides receiving and transmitting information in real time in television and thermal imaging format image area defines the coordinates of the objects of observation, for the collecting, storage and processing of other information.


UAV constructed according to the "flying wing" with a pulling propeller rotated by a motor operating on batteries. The launch is carried out "with hands" with the help of elastic or pneumatic catapult. The plane does not require a specially prepared landing site. Planting is carried out on a parachute with automatic inflatable pillow amortization.