
Radius Video / Radio Channel 50 km / 70 km
Flight duration 4 or 8 hours
Wingspan UAV 1680mm
Maximum altitude of 3000 m
Rise pneumatic catapult
landing Parachute
Engine type internal combustion engine pulling
The speed of 130-200 km / h
Maximum take-off weight of 16 kg
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads type "16», «16E +»
Glider whole wing
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C


The unmanned aircraft is designed for remote monitoring, surveillance in a wide range of weather conditions of the underlying surface (including difficult terrain, water surface), search and detection of objects. It provides receiving and transmitting real-time television and thermal imaging area, determines the coordinates of the objects of observation, acts as a repeater for the collecting, storage and processing of information.

The complex UAV ZALA 421-16 is a cost-effective solution for large-scale photography.


ZALA 421-16 is built on the aerodynamic configuration "flying wing". When you create a device used technology to ensure low visibility. Launching UAV by means of a pneumatic catapult, landing - on a parachute with automatic inflatable pillow amortization. Powered apparatus for an internal combustion engine depending on engine type aircraft during flight may be 4 and 8 hours (two-stroke and four-stroke engine, respectively).