
Radius Video / Radio Channel 15 km / 25 km
The flight duration of 80 minutes
Wingspan UAV 810 mm
UAVs length 425 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Starting Over Corps UAV
Rise Elastic Catapult
Landing Parachute / network
Engine Type Electric pulling
The speed of 65-130 km / h
The maximum take-off weight 2.5kg
Mass target load of 300 g
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads type "08"
Glider whole wing
AKB 10000 mAh 4S
The maximum allowable wind speed of 20 m / s
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
Built-in automatic tracking

Unmanned aircraft BVS favorably with ultra-reliable, convenient operation, low acoustic, visual, visible and best-in-class target loads. MPS does not require a specially prepared landing site, carries out aerial surveillance in different weather conditions at any time.

Transportation complex UAV ZALA 421-08M to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. the device allows the ease (with appropriate training) to start up the "with hands" without the use of catapults, which makes it indispensable in solving problems that require the presence of the hidden.

Integrated speaker module enables unmanned aircraft type aircraft automatically to monitor static and moving objects on land and on water.