
Radius Video / Radio Channel 25 km / 50 km
Mission duration 2.5 hours
Wingspan UAV 1810 mm
Length UAV (without CN) 900 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Running the handle
Rise Elastic Catapult
Landing Parachute / network
Engine Type Electric push
The speed of 65-110 km / h
The maximum take-off weight of 6.5 kg
Mass target load of 1 kg
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads type "+ 16E"
Additional CN Integrated camera 16 megapixel
Glider Two removable console and fuselage
Battery 21000 mAh 5S
The maximum wind speed of 15 m / s
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
Built-in automatic tracking

The main advantage of the aircraft is to maintain the high performance characteristics at a substantial reduction in size.

Launch vehicle reliability is increased thanks to integrated in the cabinet handles.

UAV is designed for high-quality and effective monitoring areas at any time of the day, to ensure the safety of objects, search and detection of acts of unauthorized activities in the areas of responsibility.

Through integrated module AS drone automatically monitors the static and moving objects.

Target load models are fully compatible with the drone of aircraft and helicopter types ZALA 421-16E and ZALA 421-22