
Radius Video / Radio Channel 50 (70 *) km / 50 (70 *) km
The flight duration over 4 h
Wingspan UAV 2815 mm
Length UAV (without CN) 1,020 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Rise pneumatic or mechanical catapult
Landing Parachute / network
Engine Type Electric push
The speed of 65-110 km / h
Maximum take-off weight of 8 - 10.5 kg
Mass target load 1.5 kg
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads type "+ 16E"
Additional CN Integrated camera 16 megapixel
Glider Two removable console and fuselage
AKB 21000 mAh or 10,000 mAh 7S 10S
The maximum wind speed of 15 m / s
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
Built-in automatic tracking
* TTX ZALA 421-16E2
* Ability to video relay with ground vehicles

UAV has the best-in-class performance characteristics.

This complex is designed for aerial surveillance at any time at a distance of 50 km with video in real time.

Unmanned aircraft successfully solves the problem of security and control of strategically important objects, it allows to determine the coordinates of the target and prompt decisions on adjustment of ground services operations.

Through integrated module AS UAV automatically monitors the static and moving objects. In the absence of SNS signal - to continue the job.

Target load models are fully compatible with the drone of aircraft and helicopter types ZALA 421-16EM and ZALA 421-22