
Radius Video / Radio Channel 30 km / 30 km
Flight duration 4 hours
Wingspan UAV 2800 mm
Maximum altitude 3600 m
Rise Elastic Catapult
landing Parachute
Engine Type Electric push
The speed of 65-110 km / h
The maximum take-off weight 7.5kg
Mass target load 1.5 kg
Navigation INS-corrected GPS / GLONASS, electronic telemeter
Target loads type "+ 16E"
Additional CN Built-megapixel camera 16/24 megapixel, built-analyzer, built-in thermal 640x512
Glider Two removable console and fuselage
The maximum wind speed of 15 m / s
Temperature range -30 ° C ... + 40 ° C
Built-in automatic tracking
* TTX ZALA 421-16E2
* Ability to video relay with ground vehicles

One of the main features of unmanned ZALA 421-16E2 vessel - low weight of 7.5 kg. The range of transmission of video information in adverse weather conditions is at least 30 km, and at least 50 km management.

The big advantage of the new unmanned aircraft is a high duration of continuous flight - 4 hours, as well as ease of starting. Rise BVS is by hand, without the use of a catapult, landing using a parachute, using an air damper that minimizes the risk of damage during landing.

Built-inertial system, electronic telemeter, the unit self-test sensors provide full autonomy of unmanned vessel from satellite GPS / GLONASS navigation systems and guarantee the fulfillment of the tasks. UAV may be controlled using a real-time controller (KPB-7), whose architecture eliminates the use of operating systems in a control loop, which increases the security of a multiple, for which also applies multi encrypted form and data communications.

A set of technical solutions provides acoustic and visual stealth unmanned vessel ZALA 421-16E2 BVS.