
The station is a software and hardware complex that allows real-time navigation using 3D models built
on the basis of CT, MRI, ultrasound and x-ray images available in the patient's database.
In operation mode, the station allows the surgeon to bind the generalized 3D model to the patient and
track the position of the instruments in the surgical wound.
The station is capable of operating in two navigation modes – optical and electromagnetic.
The station includes a set of tools for working in optical mode and a set of tools for working in
electromagnetic mode.
Spinal surgery;
Orthopaedic surgery; ENT surgery.
The software allows
To build a 3D model based on CT or MRI;
To build a generalized 3D model;
to visualize the objects in the model;
to conduct segmentation;
to build sagittal, axial and frontal projections;
to determine the point and trajectory to the optimal input