
Column-type equipment is used as main production equipment to produce a number of chemical products used in adsorption, desorption, distillation; cooling, humidification and purification of gases.

Distillation columns
Columns used for synthesis of ammonia and methanol

The plant manufactures equipment of diameters 600 to 4,000 mm, up to 40 m high, with weight of delivery blocks up to 460 tons. The size of equipment assembled on site is unlimited.

At the client’s request equipment can be made with a wide range of parameters from various structural materials: carbon steel, corrosion-resistant steel, or titanium.

Performance specification:

Working pressure up to 32 MPa
Height up to 95,000 mm
Diameter 300 to 4,300 mm
Wall thickness up to 300 mm
Weight up to 500,000 kg
Material corrosion-resistant and carbon steel, titanium

Equipment is delivered complete with service platforms, ladders and brackets to mount pipelines.