
Processing liquids containing radionuclides (liquid wastes) can be performed in various ways - evaporation, concentration on the membranes, ion exchange resins, as well as composite
inorganic sorbents. The latter method is becoming increasingly popular because of the high degree of concentration of radionuclides from the large volume of liquid in a small volume of sorbent. The bulk of the radioactivity was transferred to the liquid sorbent, thereby increasing
the specific activity of the substance.

In this regard, the problem arises regarding safe storage of spent sorbent with high activity at the points of processing, transporting, and dumping in long-term storage.

The company EKSORB developed the container COREBRICK™, allowing to consistently pursue the conditioning of liquid radioactive waste (transfer from liquid to solid form), and then to store the resulting solid waste providing safety to the environment.
COREBRICK™ - the container for conditioning of liquid radioactive wastes with inorganic composite sorbents.
After conditioning of LRW COREBRICK ™ it can be used for safe storage on site or be transported to disposal.
COREBRICK™ consists of a concrete block, two pipes (inlet/outlet) and detachable mixer. The core of the block is a column filled with a sorbent.
Filtering column is equipped with two pipes for conditioning of liquid waste (decantate).
Decantate is filtered through the column at a certain speed. Main radionuclides are fixed on a sorbent during the filtration.
The sorption capacity is up to 10 000 column volumes.
Cleaned decantate is sent to evaporation, to result in a non-radioactive salt sludge.
After conditioning sorbent is embedded with grout using detachable mixer.