
The use flexible fire tanks is possible in different climatic zones because the material does not lose its qualities at temperatures from -60 ºC to +85 ºC. This means that fire tanks heater system provides right temperature in the container for use at low temperatures. In case of violation of the heating system and the formation of ice inside the tank, airtightness is still maintained. Material retains its properties . The case is different with metal containers.

Neftetank GC products are certified by the GOST-R State Standard of the Russian Federation, as well as by the fire and environmental certification systems of the Russian Federation. Product efficacy and reliability are confirmed in practice.

Besides the fact that flexible voluminous containers may be used for water storage in places where fire brigades are absent, fire tanks can be used to deliver water directly to the fire.
Installation of fire tanks does not require preliminary site preparation. Lightweight
(with 50 m³ capacity of 140 kg and 250 m³ of 500 kg) and small size packaged container
can be delivered to the place water filling by an ordinary car, or to impassable places
by a helicopter.

Preparation of the container to be filled with water takes 3-5 minutes: spread out on the site connects drain and filler valves, suction hoses through which water enters the tank.
The container is then lowered to the ground. Firefighters who arrived by the same helicopter, reconnect to the tank pump, delivery hoses and extinguishing process is set in motion.
The product is completed with a set of complete carefully packaged technical documentation.

No need to prepare the site for the installation of capacity, ease of transportation of empty tanks;
Ability to use a fire tank in different climatic zones and different terrains. Reliable operation at low temperatures, seismic safety;
Ease and speed preparing the capacity to be filled with water;
Reusable tanks, long lifespan;
Possibility of transporting filled containers in a helicopter;
Use flexible fire tanks is economically viable thanks reduced labour costs during installation and setup, reduced transportation costs for delivery of empty containers.