
- Full active-active redundancy
- Intuitive management interface
- Hot software update
- Cross-platform
- Linear scaling
- Adaptation to customer requirements

The complex is a set of hardware and software components developed and produced by ELTEX, providing a high level of reliability.

Flexible soft switch 4/5 classes ECSS-10 - a universal system for the construction of communication nodes of different levels:
- Enterprise
- Operator (local, zonal, transit, intercity, international)

Key features:
- flexible modular architecture of the Complex, allowing to use it to solve all the major problems faced by the operator
- building distributed systems with support for geographic redundancy
- use as a SaaS platform
- video calling and video conferencing
- support for various types of VAS
- support for virtual PBX
- supportfor SBC functions
- support forLESS (Law Enforcement Support System)
- the possibility ofsoftware migration to the IMS
- support for elements of Unified Communications
- presence of a complete package of certificates

Fault tolerance
The basic properties laid down in the architecture of the complex, allowing to achieve the level of reliability of 99.99%, are as follows:

- flexible dynamic load distribution between the software modules
- flexible distribution of software modules between the hardware components
- highly efficient use of computational tools of hardware resources due to software architecture built on parallel computing
- the possibility of geographical distribution of functional modules
- complete preservation of the call at any stage of his service in case of failure of any hardware component of the system

Fault tolerance of software modules is achieved by:
- clustering on a set of available hardware resources with the ability to dynamically reconfigure the cluster
- using Erlang / OTP, which allows to realize hot software update
- insulation service processes from each other
- circuit supervisor-executive, allows immediate restart the software component in the event of an unrecoverable error on it

Fault toleranceis provided by the hardware:
- the use of high-quality industrial servers
- using a server cluster
- the use of stackable switches that ensure reliable data transmission network within the cluster and access to the operator's network
- using disk RAID arrays
- redundant power supply elements