RSC Group
Basic information
RSC Group history has begun in 2009 when the team of like-minded persons decided to found a new solution provider company be able to develop and deploy the complex supercomputing solutions based on cutting-edge world class technologies as well as on own original innovative know-how.
In a short period of time RSC emerged as the Russia and CIS leading developer and full-cycle system integrator of new generation supercomputing solutions based on Intel architectures, innovative liquid-cooling technology and its own know-how.
RSC’s broad level expertise permits to:
- create the most energy efficient solutions with record level PUE,
- achieve the industry-highest compute power density based on x86 standard processors;
- use the energy efficient green design;
- provide the highly reliable solutions;
- achieve the completely noiseless work of computing modules;
- provide the 100% compatibility and guaranteed scalability;
- ensure the lowest total cost of ownership thanks to low level of energy consumption.
Additionally RSC specialists are experienced in development and implementation of a complete software solution stack for increased effectiveness and usability of supercomputer systems ranging from system software to vertically oriented platforms on the basis of cloud computing technology.
Moscow, RussiaProducts