Avesta LLC
Basic information
Our company entered the fascinating world of laser technology in 1990, short before the iron curtain and the Soviet regime fell down. The former scientific superpower that reared Nobel Prize-winning co-founders of the laser theory Basov and Prokhorov, was gradually dissolving in wild capitalistic atmosphere of the post-Soviet age. At that time high-tech and innovative companies could barely make both ends meet. That is where we had to start. We took the experience of the old and the desire for knowledge of the young, created a mixture and named it Avesta. Using the facilities of Quantum Radiophysics Division of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute we started to revitalize the Russian ultrafast laser technology. Later, in 1998, we divided the company into research and development branch - Avesta Project Ltd. and simply Avesta Ltd., that now develops industrial application and handles component manufacturing. Now we have a team of more than 45 players ready for any scientific and production challenges. Our company is situated in an academic town of Troitsk in the south-western part of Moscow. The town was built as a scientific center comprising more than 10 research institutions, such as High Pressure Physics Institute or Thermonuclear Research Institute (TRINITI).All products presented on the web-site are produced by the Avesta team at our facilities.
*The information is taken from public sources
Troitsk, RussiaProducts