
REC will talk about the features of entering the South African market
Made in Russia exposition to open for the first time at UzBuild
Novikombank raises interest rate on yuan deposits
Half a ton of tomatoes, chocolate, wild crabs and food tech novelties Made in Russia: Gulfood 2023 opens in Dubai
Shvabe employees became the best engineers in Russia
Novikombank has developed a corporate identity for its 30th anniversary
Agricultural production in the EAEU grew by 9.4% in 2022
For four years, the number of companies participating in the Gulfood exhibition at the Made in Russia booth has grown almost 10 times
Amber plant presents exclusive products in the "President Hotel"
"Shvabe" and National Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. N. N. Blokhin will develop equipment for medicine
Shvabe handed over a batch of anesthetic and respiratory devices to Bashkortostan
EAEU and China expressed mutual interest in developing cooperation between exchanges
With the support of the EEC, Belarus and Russia launched an experiment on the use of navigation seals
The Russian Export Center and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region told local exporters about relevant support tools
Novikombank's "Bonuses" program became the winner of the Retail Finance magazine rating
Ruselectronics and TUSUR agreed to cooperate in the development of high technology industries
Rostec to train hundreds of mentors for new aviation industry employees in 2023
Not China alone: how the REC helps businesses find their niche in the Southeast Asian market
10 Russian companies will demonstrate the achievements of the woodworking industry at the DELHIWOOD exhibition in India
EEC and Nicaragua deepen cooperation
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