
More than 400 market specialists in the field of foreign economic activity support business on the My Export platform
The Russian Export Center opens the Indian market for domestic companies: following the results of 3 exhibitions and business missions in 2023, more than 450 targeted negotiations were organized
Now I'll sing: choosing a vocal microphone
Shvabe is preparing the supply of equipment for clinical and biological research
UEC-Klimov hosted an online discussion of modern areas of targeted training
EEC develops cooperation with the International Organization for Migration
All-Russian Export Support Infrastructure Conference opens in Volgograd
Novikombank took part in a meeting of the Expert Council on Sustainable Development and Green Finance
Novikombank increases the volume of guarantee support for enterprises
The invention of Ruselectronics will help prevent accidents on the railway
The development of the JEC will help reduce the level of engine vibrations
An agreement comes into force in the EAEU that determines the procedure for eliminating technical barriers to trade with third countries
RT-Techpriemka certified Aeropribor-Voskhod
The Russian Export Center will tell companies how to get support for R&D and product homologation
The Made in Russia exposition of the Russian Export Center was recognized as the best national stand at the TIHE 2023 exhibition in Uzbekistan
The Russian Export Center provided support to 220 companies in the Arkhangelsk region in 2022
Rostec and Baumanka launch a training program for civil product developers
The development of Roselectronics will reliably protect against wiretapping and "leakage" of information
The concept of the Eurasian Economic Forum-2023 was approved
Novikombank supports domestic engine building
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