
Results of the II Eurasian Economic Forum
The potential for business meetings on a mission to Saudi Arabia exceeded $20 million
A meeting of the Coordinating Council for Export Support will be held on June 6
Made in Russia will showcase solutions for the oil and gas industry at Caspian Oil and Gas 2023
Высокотехнологичные отечественные оптические устройства для российской офтальмологии
Shvabe demonstrates diagnostic equipment to the medical community of Kazakhstan
Shvabe demonstrates developments for the space industry and security at MILEX-2023
UEC offers Iran modern gas turbine equipment and localization of production of units
TV7-117ST-01 engines will provide flight tests of the Il-114-300 aircraft at maximum speed
Sustainable development of the regions of the EAEU countries will be discussed at the II Eurasian Economic Forum
UAC presented aircraft equipment for the first time at the MILEX exhibition
The Made in Russia exposition with the most promising developments in the oil and gas industry opened at the Iran Oil Show 2023
Representatives of Novikombank and the Voronezh branch of SoyuzMash Russia held a working meeting
A qualification exam according to employer standards for students of specialized colleges has started at Salyut
UAC will create a new center for the production of engine nacelles for civil aircraft
EEF - 2023: "The modern paradigm of the development of the agro-industrial complex: global challenges, emerging opportunities"
Novikombank's loyalty programs are becoming more popular
The Russian Export Center supported the export of the Urals by $2.6 billion in 2022
Advanced developments Made in Russia will be presented for the fourth time at the Caspian Oil & Gas exhibition in Baku
Shvabe to open Andrey Bezukladnikov's media photo exhibition in GUM
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