
Uralvagonzavod has completed a contract for the supply of dump cars
Russian Helicopters handed over the Mi-8MTV-1 to the Krasnodar airline
Rostec began producing high-tech glass for the Moscow-2024 metro trains
Acceptance of applications for exhibitors at AmberForum 2024 starts
The deadline for submitting applications for the second international climate competition “Green Eurasia” has been extended until April 30
Novikombank launched a digital card
Uralvagonzavod's inventions have received international recognition
In the world of optics and photonics: the enterprise of the Shvabe holding turns 62 years old
UEC engines sent an international crew to the ISS
The EAEU and Indonesia held the fourth round of negotiations on concluding a free trade agreement
Voronezh regional branch of SoyuzMash and Novikombank discussed the industrial development of the region
How to work with Turkey and the UAE: update in the “Exporter Knowledge Base”
Телеканал РЕН ТВ показал танцы под пение алтайского фотосепаратора
Компания «ВестМедГрупп» примет участие в выставке IRAN HEALTH 2024
Компания «ВестМедГрупп» станет одним из участников ярмарки вакансий для студентов и выпускников МГТУ им Н.Э. Баумана
Отличная возможность для студентов и молодых специалистов познакомиться с ведущими работодателями, узнать о вакансиях, стажировках и практиках, а также наладить полезные контакты для дальнейшего трудоустройства
Ruselectronics has developed a device for the treatment of autoimmune diseases with ultraviolet irradiation
UEC presented innovative developments at the international salon "Archimedes".
UEC opened an educational space at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
The EEC celebrated the holiday of Nauryz
Representatives of Novikombank shared their expertise on digital financial assets
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