
Rostec presented medical vehicles for Russia and the CIS countries in Uzbekistan
UEC power units have worked 1 million hours since 2003
The inclined stand "UEC-Kuznetsov" has tested engines for missiles for the six thousandth time
UEC-UMPO已開始通過Rostec Wings計劃招募學生
"Shvabe" will be engaged in the implementation of infrastructure projects in Uzbekistan
REC Group will support transactions for the supply of Russian-made oil and gas equipment and pipe products to Uzbekistan, the potential of which exceeds $ 800 million
ROSEKSIMBANK and JSCB "Agrobank" are implementing a pilot project to finance the supply of Russian high-tech products to Uzbekistan
Russian Helicopters presented Ansat and Mi-171A2 at the INNOPROM exhibition in Uzbekistan
Russian manufacturers will supply utility vehicles to Uzbekistan
VEB.RF and ROSEKSIMBANK to finance the supply of a new batch of cars for the Tashkent metro
Financial institutions of Russia and Turkmenistan join forces to support exports
UEC will produce three prototypes of the engine for the Ka-226T by the end of the year
"Avtomatika" will be engaged in the production of ATMs
Rostec will take part in the project of the first "smart city" in Uzbekistan
Shvabe participates in the first foreign Innoprom
Ansat Helicopter from Rostec Can Lift up to 1,000 kg on an External Sling
Russian Helicopters holding company of Rostec State Corporation equips Ansat helicopter with an external sling to lift oversized cargo weighing up to 1,000 kg or carry a helicopter bucket for firefighting operations. This is already the fifth option available for configuring the helicopter for specific tasks.
The meeting of the Board of Directors of KAMAZ PTC took place in Moscow
Oktava was awarded the Russian Business Guide award
USAAR + Online Business Mission in Switzerland
Novikombank proposed new mechanisms for attracting investment in enterprise projects
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