
Until the end of the year, automakers of the EAEU countries may not install ERA-GLONASS
EAEU introduces anti-dumping duty on aluminum cookware from China
UEC presented a model of a hybrid engine for naval aviation at the Army
UEC engines provided the launch of the Soyuz-2.1b rocket with OneWeb satellites
44 students were enrolled in PNRPU and URFU for the target recruitment "UEC-Aviadvigatel"
The mortgage project of Shvabe and Novikombank was launched
Diversification of the defense industry complex for the development of industrial medicine and health protection at enterprises
Rostec presented the first Russian ATM with a cash recycling function
Avtomatika presented the first budget computer based on the Elbrus-2S3 processor
Russian Helicopters presented the cockpit of the helicopter of the future at the Army-2021 forum
Technodinamika will produce mobile feldsher-obstetric stations
Novikombank will allocate 10 billion rubles for import substitution of the electronic component base
Agroexpress trains will go to Uzbekistan along the green corridor
REC invites machine tool enterprises on a business mission to Uzbekistan
Exports of food products and agricultural raw materials from the EAEU to other countries in 2020 grew by 19%
The EAEU is witnessing a reduction in the budget deficits of the member states
UEC opened a test station for aircraft engines D-36 at the Aramil Aviation Repair Plant
Ruselectronics equipment ensures epidemiological safety in the Rostec demo center at the Army-2021 forum
REC selected 10 companies to demonstrate their products in the pavilions of the PRC, UAE, Egypt and Vietnam
20 new TMH metro cars were sent to Tashkent with the support of REC and VEB.RF
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