
UEC-UMPO held a meeting on the organization of the Rostec center for professional education
Rostec signed a roadmap for the localization of the Ka-226T in India
Automatika concern has introduced a new rifle for underwater hunting
UEC engines provided a successful launch of the Soyuz-2.1 b rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome
Rostec has developed an "automatic dispatcher" for managing unmanned cargo transport
Shvabe increased the service life of water treatment systems
UEC to take part in DEFEXPO India-2020»
"RT-Tehpriemke" certified the quality management system of JSC "ODK-OLD»
Novikombank finances the construction of a waste processing complex in the Moscow region
Pozis is testing a smart refrigerator
Modern technologies against the plague of the XXI century
Shvabe and Peter the Great Polytechnic presented HIFU-a complex for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors
Shvabe and Peter the Great Polytechnic presented HIFU-a complex for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors
Rostec will present more than 500 samples of military and civilian products at DefExpo 2020
President of Turkmenistan instructed to purchase Mi 17-1B medical helicopters from Russia
Rostec has started testing innovative aviation brakes
PD-14: five facts about the new Russian engine
Rostec has opened a Biological resource center for the study of bacteriophages
Onpp "Technology" in 2019 completed more than 5 billion rubles of work
Soyuzmash of Russia and Novikombank will be partners of the XIII Voronezh industrial forum
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