
"Octave" spoke about the Russian experience in the development of contactless biometrics
Amber plant mined the first 100 tons of amber in record time
Export of wheat and corn to Vietnam grew by 76%
"Vega" put in the Volgograd region a mobile emergency control center
Technodynamics has developed a national safety standard for parachute systems
Be-200: through fire and water
The new UEC engine will be tested in the TsIAM thermal pressure chamber
Shvabe and YSAR + together with Singapore specialists with the support of the RSBC created a competitive innovative thermal imaging complex
Russian science and technology company upgrades mobile operator network in the Republic of Niger
UEC delivered gas turbine units for the Yamburgskoye field
"Technodynamics" created a device for the on-board system of new generation aircraft
Mariinsky mine Rostec increases production of large emeralds
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation PJSC appointed Sergey Stepanov
ZALA drones complete the 65th Russian Antarctic expedition
The volume of transport subsidies increased to 13 billion rubles
Rostec Supplies a New Type of Inspection and Examination Complex to Myanmar
Regulatory framework for technical acceptance
Hypnosis Will Remotely Serve Dangerous Objects Using VR Technologies
Shvabe will launch a new sight for civilian weapons on the market
Shvabe, with the support of the Russian-Singapore Business Council, ensured compliance with sanitary standards at polling stations in Russia
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