
Rostec for the first time showed the highly intelligent control system "Zorky"
The production of pure oxygen concentrators "Shvabe" is being prepared in Moscow
XIII Eurasian Economic Forum will be held in Verona on October 22-23
Chemezov proposed to prohibit clinics from purchasing foreign equipment from the budget
ACRA affirms Novikombank's credit rating at A (RU)
REC invites exporters to take part in user testing of the "My Export" portal (IS "One Window")
Within the framework of certification work, qualification tests of domestic composite materials are carried out
"Shvabe" acquaints power structures with security devices
REC JSC and ICE (Italian Trade Agency) will sign a memorandum of cooperation
UEC: Operating time of Russian-French SaM146 engines of Superjet 100 airliners exceeded 1,000,000 flight cycles
UEC-Klimov will celebrate its 106th anniversary
Concern "Avtomatika" has developed a profiler program for Linux
Ruselectronics will present more than 20 developments for national security
Rosoboronexport expands cooperation with foreign private customers
Rostec will increase supplies of quadrivalent vaccine by 40% in the new epidemic season
Sergey Chemezov: High-tech medical equipment is an important element of Rostec's strategy
Russian exports: looking for new growth opportunities
Rostec proposed to create a special Be-200 squadron to extinguish fires
Check "digit"
Rostec telemedicine service introduced in eight regions of Russia
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