
在 Anuga 2021 上,俄羅斯出口中心向丹麥合作夥伴展示國內產品
EEF-2021:EAEU 的國際聯繫網絡為大歐亞夥伴關係奠定基礎
V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue
On September 2, 2021, the V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue was held via videoconference between Singapore and Vladivostok. The Russia-Singapore Business Council, established at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec» holds the Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue every year. This year the V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue was held on September 2 via videoconference between Singapore, Vladivostok and Moscow. In Singapore, the event took place at the Foreign Promotion Center of Russian High-Tech Companies and Presentation of Investment Projects, in Vladivostok - on the territory of the Far East Federal University on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum. “Our event brings together representatives of large and medium-sized enterprises, investment funds and business accelerators, heads of state and municipal governments, media and public organizations. The purpose of the Business Dialogue is to exchange practical experiences and to seek ways to expand and strengthen the economic, political and cultural relations between Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union countries and Singapore and the ASEAN countries», noted the Chairman of the Russia-Singapore Business Council, Deputy CEO of the State Corporation «Rostec» Nikolay Volobuev in his welcome speech. Svinin Alexander, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Singapore, made an opening speech from Singapore, announcing new figures of the trade turnover between Russia and Singapore in the first half of 2021. Pronin Sergey, Vice Chairman - Executive Director of the RSBC, introduced the updated of business infrastructure of the Russia-Singapore Business Council in Russia and Singapore, which includes the specialized trading digital platform, permanent exhibition of Russian goods and services in Singapore and distributed regional engineering centers created with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec». At the Business-Dialogue, the theme of which is ««Partnership in the era of digitization and new challenges of global security», Soloviev Alexander, the representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Singapore, emphasized aspects of educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries. Shorin Vladlen, General Director of “RT-Tekhpriemka” JSC, spoke about the features of automation of business processes in conditions of high competition on international market
V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue
V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue
On September 2, 2021, the V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue was held via videoconference between Singapore and Vladivostok. The Russia-Singapore Business Council, established at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec» holds the Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue every year. This year the V Russia-Singapore Business Dialogue was held on September 2 via videoconference between Singapore, Vladivostok and Moscow. In Singapore, the event took place at the Foreign Promotion Center of Russian High-Tech Companies and Presentation of Investment Projects, in Vladivostok - on the territory of the Far East Federal University on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum. “Our event brings together representatives of large and medium-sized enterprises, investment funds and business accelerators, heads of state and municipal governments, media and public organizations. The purpose of the Business Dialogue is to exchange practical experiences and to seek ways to expand and strengthen the economic, political and cultural relations between Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union countries and Singapore and the ASEAN countries», noted the Chairman of the Russia-Singapore Business Council, Deputy CEO of the State Corporation «Rostec» Nikolay Volobuev in his welcome speech. Svinin Alexander, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Singapore, made an opening speech from Singapore, announcing new figures of the trade turnover between Russia and Singapore in the first half of 2021. Pronin Sergey, Vice Chairman - Executive Director of the RSBC, introduced the updated of business infrastructure of the Russia-Singapore Business Council in Russia and Singapore, which includes the specialized trading digital platform, permanent exhibition of Russian goods and services in Singapore and distributed regional engineering centers created with the support of the State Corporation «Rostec». At the Business-Dialogue, the theme of which is ««Partnership in the era of digitization and new challenges of global security», Soloviev Alexander, the representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Singapore, emphasized aspects of educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries. Shorin Vladlen, General Director of “RT-Tekhpriemka” JSC, spoke about the features of automation of business processes in conditions of high competition on international market
Vladlen Shorin參加第五屆俄羅斯-新加坡商業對話
Rostec 的部門安全已收到關注“Sozvezdie”的數字廣播電台
Rostec 將向緊急情況部供應四架北極 Mi-8AMTSh-VA
Rostec 交付首批新生兒移動孵化器
EEF 的 REC 與監管機構和出口商討論了該地區關於支持出口的新措施的建議
2021 年 7 月 EEU 失業率下降了 60% 以上
EAEU 已開始製定電力工程領域的州際計劃
UEC 正在實施全面的生產現代化計劃
俄羅斯直升機在 EEF-2021 上展示了最新的民用設備
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