Shvabe and YSAR + together with Singapore specialists with the support of the RSBC created a competitive innovative thermal imaging complex

Russia-Singapore Business Council was established in 2009 on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. In 2018, on the Council’s initiative, an engineering centre was established in Singapore with the support of the Rostec State Corporation. On its basis, local specialists, together with Russian companies Shvabe JSC and YSAR+ JSC, developed and localized on the production facilities in Russia mobile thermal imaging complex Pro_Jemys.2020, focused on both domestic and international markets.

Pro_Jemys.2020 is an innovative product that includes, in addition to a modern thermal imaging camera, a digital data processing module using “artificial intelligence” technology. It can be integrated with any existing security system. The system includes an IMP (Intelligent Management Platform) module, which automatically sends a message when the device is triggered and informs those responsible for facility security, logs alarm events. Pro_Jemys.2020 device performs thermometry in the human flow, generates an alarm and registers an alarm when a person with elevated body temperature is detected. In addition to detecting people with elevated body temperature, this camera can be used to prevent fires in rooms such as machine rooms, rooms with ATMs, meeting rooms, businesses, museums, railway stations, jewelry stores, power plants, etc. An alarm system allows for the early detection of emergency situations and thus the prevention of large-scale damage and destruction of an object. In the Russian Federation, the Pro_Jemys.2020 thermal imaging camera is already used in the Moscow Metro, at industrial facilities of the Rostec State Corporation and in other public places. Technical specifications can be found on the RSTrade Platform (

Prototypes of the system have been installed in Apple (Ireland, Kurputino City in Santa Clara County, California, USA) and Google (offices in China, Hong Kong, Korea, India and the Philippines). Moreover, its users are the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Singapore. Sales results show that the system has high export potential and significant competitive advantages.

Within the framework of the pilot project of REC (Russian Export Center) and RSBC on promotion of products and services of Russian companies to the markets of Southeast Asia, for which more than 130 companies have applied, there are companies – manufacturers of medical equipment and components. This creates opportunities for scaling up both international and domestic Russian cooperation in this industry. This will involve the resources of both the RSTrade electronic platform and the Centre for Overseas Promotion in Singapore, as well as the capabilities of REC Group companies, including financial and insurance instruments of its structures.

Alexey Murzenok, REC’s director for e-commerce development, noted that high-tech companies should pay more attention to e-commerce platforms, as they are indeed an effective tool for entering new markets, especially in Asia, where the level of e-commerce penetration is quite high. “Together with the Russia-Singapore Business Council, we are working to create a comprehensive mechanism for Russian industrial companies with high-tech products to enter the markets of Southeast Asia, the key element of which is the RSTrade Platform,” Alexey commented.

Successful cooperation will continue.
