Winner of 100 projects under the patronage of the President of the RF CCI 2019

Winner of 100 projects under the patronage of the President of the RF CCI

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of chambers of commerce in Russia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation initiated a special campaign "100 projects under the patronage of the President of the RF CCI", aimed at supporting and promoting the best enterprises to disseminate best practices, to promote the brands of our leading companies in at home and abroad. 102 chambers responded to this proposal, 465 applications for participation in the competition were received. Each of these projects, each of these enterprises is unique. This is the gold fund of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, these are the best enterprises that they are proud of. But according to the terms of the competition, only 100 organizations should remain at this stage. And making the jury’s choice was extremely difficult, out of the most worthy of only 100 enterprises, but these are the conditions of the competition, said the curator of the project (vice-president of the RF CCI Elena Dybova). One of the winners was our company LLC “Spoon Plus”. ”