Working during CoVid-19

ZavPlast wishes you and your relatives health and patience, against the backdrop of global epidemiological situation.

Due to the availability of stocks of raw materials and technological capacities, the manufacture continues working, keeping to the recommendations of the health and sanitation ministry. Employees use all the necessary protection equipment, paying particular attention to the disinfection of rooms and frequently used surfaces. All employees are absolutely healthy: daily checks did not reveal evidence or suspicion of illness. All pregnant workers and workers with children under 14 years old are transferred to remote work.

ZavPlast could not stay away and, like many large companies, is already contributing to the overall fight against the disease, remaining true to the traditions of European community:

- Adapt your activities to changing epidemiological conditions;

- Take additional individual commitments according deadlines;

- Demonstrate financial flexibility in current economic conditions;

- Arrange long-term and trusting partnerships.